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“Whatever is true…think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

Truth is a rare commodity in today’s world. From entertainment to news, politics to education, and science to religion, it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern between what is true and what is fake.


For Christians, the search for truth in the culture has become particularly difficult. Does the Bible specifically address what is occurring around us? Can the Bible guide us through an increasingly polarized and politicized nation? If so, then what is our responsibility?


To help answer these questions, Foundations of Truth connects today’s specific issues and news stories with the eternal and foundational truths of God’s Word.


One thing that makes Foundations of Truth unique and different is that every article is yours to do with as you’d like. Share it, edit it, re-write it, put your name on it, put your brand on it—you can copy and paste these articles and call them your own if you’d like!


No catch—no gimmick. Our only goal is to spread “whatever is true” and we want to help you do the same. So take these pieces and use them as you wish to help others “think on these things.”


Thank you for your interest in Foundations of Truth.  We are pleased and honored that you have enjoyed and appreciated the articles.


We are often asked about who our authors are, what theological perspectives we hold, and our view of the Scriptures.

We believe that God’s Word is inspired, inerrant, and infallible and that it provides guidance for every aspect of life and living. We subscribe to the traditional historic statements of Christian Biblical orthodoxy, including things such as the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed.  


In many ways, we are like the historic Bible societies: we want to make God’s Word available to all, trying to avoid denominational nuances or interpretations. We therefore strive to write articles reflecting straightforward Biblical principles, so in each article we take something current in the news and examine it through the lens of both the Bible and history.


Concerning history, we appreciate many of the statements made by Founding Father Benjamin Rush. Considered by John Adams as one of the three most notable Founders, Rush started America’s first Bible Society and pioneered the Sunday School movement.


He worked to provide Bibles for all Americans and promote goals common to all Christian denominations, but he also opposed abolishing denominations or even blurring denominational distinctions. In fact, he believed strongly that having different denominations was healthy for all of Christianity—as long as each claimed its orthodoxy from the Scriptures. As he explained:


It would seem as if one of the designs of Providence in permitting the existence of so many sects [denominations] of Christians was that each sect might be a depository of some great truth of the Gospel, and that it might by that means be better preserved. Thus, to the Catholics and Moravians, He has committed the Godhead of the Savior, hence they worship and pray to Him; to the Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Baptist Church, the decrees of God and partial redemption [the doctrine that not all will be saved]; . . . to the Quakers, the Godhead and influences of the Holy Spirit. . . . Let the different sects of Christians not only bear with each other but love each other for this kind display of God’s goodness whereby all the truths of their religion are so protected that none of them can ever become feeble or be lost.

Rush therefore concluded:


[T]he division of Christians into sects [denominations] is as necessary to the existence and preservation of Christianity as the division of mankind into nations, and of nations into separate families are necessary to promote general and private happiness.


At Foundations of Truth we attempt to take positions based on broad Biblical principles of general applicability, striving to avoid stands that can be categorized as denominational.


We avoid naming our authors because we don’t want readers to be in the position of 1 Corinthians 3, where some follow Paul, some follow Apollos, and some follow others. Our objective is to present truth, without any personality. We don’t want people to reject what is said because it comes from an author they sometimes disagree with, nor do we want them to accept it for the opposite reason. It is our ardent desire that every reader be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11, who “examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” We want readers to “test everything that is said and hold on to what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). We strive to be truth driven and want every reader to seek to confirm Biblical truth, regardless of which human vessel penned the article.


Our motivation at Foundations of Truth is straightforward. National polling shows that almost two-thirds of young Americans and half of all Americans don’t believe the church/Bible is relevant or addresses the issues they face on a daily basis. Currently, only 10% of Americans hold a Biblical worldview, and only 4% of Millennials. We want to move all of these numbers in a healthy direction by providing both Biblical relevancy and a general Biblical worldview in the articles on this site.


We want to encourage you to share these timeless principles taken from God's Word. Consequently, Foundations of Truth hereby waives all claim of copyright (economic and moral) in this work and immediately places it in the public domain; it may be used, published, edited, and distributed in any manner whatsoever without any attribution or notice to Foundations of Truth. 


Foundations of Truth Staff

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