Marriage and family is one of God’s greatest gifts to His creation. In fact, the recorded history of mankind begins with God making a man and a woman and uniting them in lifelong union:
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)
Additionally, the sexual union was specifically for the purpose of producing children:
“And God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply’.” (Genesis 1:28)
“Children are a heritage from the Lord—the fruit of the womb, a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
Parents are instructed to raise their children in God’s ways and thinking, and with a knowledge of right and wrong (see Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:6-7, 11:19, and Ephesians 6:4).
This includes the basic teaching that God intends for sexual relations to be confined solely to marriage. Until recently, sex education was conducted almost exclusively by parents in the home,[1] with the church reinforcing what was taught on this subject.[2]
But after millennia of nearly universal acknowledgment of God’s basic standards of sexuality, in America times have suddenly changed. Marriage is now redefined as “any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union”[3]; “gender” as “a similar category of human beings…based on the individual's personal awareness or identity”[4]; the primary purpose of sex has become recreational rather than procreational; and state and local governments have replaced parents in instilling in children the new views of sex and sexuality through what is called “comprehensive sex education.”
For example, in Colorado, comprehensive sex education begins at age nine.[5] Significantly, key words not found in the government’s sex education include “love,” “marriage,” “baby,” “child,” “wife,” “husband,” “man,” and “woman.”[6] From their earliest years, students are now taught that sex is recreational, gender is variable, children as terminable, and that marriage is optional.
In California, beginning in kindergarten children are instructed in transgenderism. In fact:
“A little girl who attends Rocklin Academy Gateway was ‘shaking and crying’ about the thought that she would turn into a boy after she learned about transgender ideology and saw one of her male classmates present himself as a girl during a kindergarten class.”[7]
This is what is being taught to five year olds, and the indoctrination gets worse in higher grades. Not surprisingly, parents who have reviewed the curriculum describe it as “pornographic,” “age-inappropriate,” and “highly biased and medically inaccurate.”[8]
Most other states are following the same pattern.[9] In fact, even in states considered conservative—including the rural and religious parts of those states—Planned Parenthood’s Biblically-abhorrent sex education curriculum is now widely accepted and used.
Rather than trusting the government to educate children on sex, people of faith can and must get back into the game on this subject in their family, their church, and their community.
“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:9)
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[1] Valerie Huber, “A History of Sex Education in the United States Since 1900,” International Journal of Educational Reform (January 29, 2014), 23(1), here
[2] See, “The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony,” The Book of Common Prayer (Oxford: Mark Baskett, 1762), here
[5] Anna Staver, “Colorado sex education bill: Separating fact from fiction,” The Denver Post (February 27, 2019), here
[6] “HB19-1032: Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education,” Colorado General Assembly (2019 Regular Session), here
[7] Bradford Richardson, “Kindergarten girl afraid she would turn into a boy after transgender lesson, mom says,” The Washington Times (August 29, 2017), here
[8] Courtney Joyner, “California Parents Object to New Sex Ed Program in Public Schools,” The Daily Signal (February 21, 2019), here